For these 16 Days of Action, we have created #IamCSEaware, a campaign that aims to put a spotlight on Commercial Sexual Exploitation as a form of violence against women and girls. It is also a way to encourage you and others to consider personal and local action.
Use the form below to share your one action you will take to show that you are CSE aware. When you fill out the form, you can choose to tell us a bit about yourself or (e.g. your name, role and/or organisation/institution) or you can share anonymously.
Some examples of pledges you can make include:
I commit to ensuring everyone in my team receives training on CSE and the realities of women involved.
I will continue ensuring that the realities of women in CSE are at the heart of everything we do.
We will publish pledges on this page so you can see what others are committing to do to support women involved in selling or exchanging sex.
